a blue and white logo with the word seero on it.

Crowd Modeling Analysis

people crossing a street at night in shanghai.

Crowd Modeling Analysis

Due to the increase in population, Crowd Modeling & Analysis has become an important area of interest in social and technical disciplines.  People use crowd modeling & analysis to develop crowd management in public events as well as public space design, visual surveillance and virtual environments. SEERO provides professional crowd modeling & analysis service to the clients. For this service, our team includes experts in psychology, sociology, simulation, data farming, and data analysis. Our main focus is to get an understanding of how crowds behave in different situations, particularly in response to security force activities.

We try our best to make the crowd model match reality as much as possible for obtaining effective policies that achieve the intended results. Unlike other models, our model includes in-depth and detailed insight of social science. We use social science insights and conclusions on individual motivations, individual responses to others and situations, behavior of crowd, group dynamics, and how people respond to security force tactics. Our model also reflects the state of the literature on anger, fear, and a number of other emotions.

